Hint 1: All the lights in the Dana Porter are off at night. Find your way through the library, using the elevators and turning on lights as you go. What does the result look like from the outside? No lights are visible from the front, but something else is visible. Google it! 6 rows of windows lit up, 12 puzzles released before the meta. How can you pair them off?
Hint 2: Once you have found your way through the 3-dimensional maze, you will have traced out words on the three sides of the building besides the front. The letters on the front side of the building spell out the name of a location-based app. Put those three words in the app to point to a location on campus. At that location is a place to put the answers to 12 of the puzzles. The resulting message gives you a code. Figure out which3puzzles you haven't used yet to find out where to enter the code.
SolutionHint 1: Which destinations are you being lead to?
Hint 2: Identify the buildings and extract a letter from each building name.
SolutionHint 1: Look out below!
Hint 2: The crossword grid is floating there like a HYDROGEN balloon, like it's in ORBIT, or being held up by ORION'S BELT. Fill out the grid and obey the secret instruction given to you.
SolutionHint 1: Like most puzzles, think outside the box
Hint 2: These words have something in common. Don't just think outside the box, think above it as well! There is one stationary arrangement of the 6 squares that allows you to find all the words.
SolutionHint 1: Some letters have dots above them. That's sus.
Hint 2: This website may be helpful.
SolutionHint 1: Click here for the link
Hint 2: The answer to (A) is Ridgemount. Continue your journey!
SolutionHint 1: Enter your email address in the email address box, and watch as the information trickles down through the system.
Hint 2: Turn the top gear to enter your email address, following the arrows on the gears at every turn. Then follow the instructions to enter your ID key.
SolutionHint 1: Assemble the drinks.
Hint 2: Line up the strings and identify the matching pairs. Maybe Charles Barbier can help you.
SolutionHint 1: Each word on the board is either the beginning or ending of a larger word.
Hint 2: The larger words are formed by attaching one new word to each of the words in a group. Take the six new words, put them into groups of three, and repeat.
SolutionHint 1: Thiswebsite may be helpful.
Hint 2: When grouped in pairs and common ground is found, what colour is formed?
SolutionHint 1: Names are great, but when you discover lots of something, it helps to label them too.
Hint 2: Figuring out how to group the images is key to making sense of the ciphered text. But why were these particular images chosen from what would have been many options? It could have something to do with some familiar symbols trying to hide in plain sight. Oh, and don't forget to look up the Label that goes with each image.
SolutionHint 1: The letter you get from 'CORNER BROOK, NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR' is 'E'.
Hint 2: Do the opposite of what the clues say, and write the answers backwards. Extract all the letters and repeat.
SolutionHint 1: Here is a T-I-P. Corrosion, confide; The past tense of run, A middle-Eastern country; A grain, cost.
Hint 2: Pair each word on the left with a word on the right, by adding one letter to the front of a synonym of the left word. Once you've got all the added letters, do it again!
SolutionHint 1: Put the picture together. Glue is just as helpful as tape.
Hint 2: Do with the words what you did with the square pieces.
SolutionHint 1:
Hint 2: The answer must lie in one of these books. But which page? Which line? And which word?