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Stats: A Real Thinker

Total solves: 28
Total guesses: 289
Hints asked: 71
Team Incorrect guesses Unlock time (EST) Time to solve Solve time (EST)
Dan's Disciples and Associates 0 6s
geese geese go 0 13s
Goose Goose Duck 0 13s
Puzzle Pals 0 16s
The Large Intestines 0 24s
Team Brown Geese 0 1m15s
Huzzle Punt 0 34m47s
waits 5 3h25m
The Defectives 1 4h58m
meowzle 4 5h22m
Lazeez on the Keys 5 9h16m
miaou 5 26h11m
Dino Snacks 9 29h3m
PuzzleMasters 4 34h27m
Tree Time 1 35h17m
Strawhats 8 49h38m
This shouldn't be the hardest part 3 50h2m
Space Oddities 4 56h7m
Gyronauts 7 70h9m
CleverTeamName Redux 17 72h54m
The Morbius Strip 19 73h34m
Fellowship of the Bus 2 124h1m
The No-armed Bandits 16 125h33m
Goofy Goober Goons 7 126h26m
Eulerian Pathfinders 4 144h14m
milkisnowspoon50 18 144h21m
TheGooseEgg 6 154h9m
The Recreational Dentists 6 155h44m